Retro pieces with a custom fit!
2nd love is a 60s inspired thrift store that offers tailoring services on site. Their goal is to help people feel beautiful by helping them find vintage pieces that can be altered for their needs!
The hearts in the logo represent having one's back. 2nd Love wants to represent itself as feeling welcoming and empowering to people of all different backgrounds, and the double heart does just that! The hearts can also be interchanged in color to best fit design needs.
The three typefaces used in 2nd Love's branding work together to bring this retro world to life. When selecting typefaces for this project, I wasn't quite sure where to start. I knew wanted to find typefaces that fit in and complimented that retro inspired look. Eventually I ended on Eckmannpsych, Decoy, and Franklin Gothic. Eckmannpsych references the psychedelic art movement from the 60's, Decoy provides more legibility while also having it's own funky flair, and Franklin Gothic ties it all together as the perfect sans serif to compliment the pair.
For colors, I decided to go with the more groovy palette that I had initially created in my concepts. I felt that this palette feels super 60s but also feels warm and welcoming, just like how the brand strives to be.
For the photo's associated with the brand, I decided on one's that showcase different kinds of people in fashionable retro inspired outfits. I also felt that the photos should showcase some of what makes 2nd Love so different, so photos showcasing the tailoring process was a must. To wrap it all together, I liked this idea of framing these photos on different colored film strips as a sort of call back film photography. I also treated them with different textures to further enhance this effect.
When I was beginning to design, I conducted some research to get an idea of what was out there and what I could do to make it feel unique. Below are my initial concepts that I created. The orange one is my 60s/retro concept, and the pink one is another direction I had considered that leans more into the "love" aspect of the brand. 
Mocukups and textures used designed by Freepik.

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